Yelling “Fire” in a theater: Mainstream Media’s Perpetration of the Russian Collusion Hoax.

The famous line from Justice Holmes in Schenck v. United States is, “The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theatre and causing a panic.” May 11, 2015.

For two years our media, celebrities, Democrat politicians, and commentators have been shouting “Fire” in the crowded theater of the American Republic.

Continue reading Yelling “Fire” in a theater: Mainstream Media’s Perpetration of the Russian Collusion Hoax.

2nd Amendment Sanctuary Counties Increasing Across the Country

Democrat legislators in new “Trifecta” states – states in which the House majority, Senate majority, and Governorship are all of the same political party – are trying to stampede through a far left agenda. High on the agenda, if not first on the agenda, are new gun control laws. Many sheriffs and counties, though, are pushing back hard.

Continue reading 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Counties Increasing Across the Country

Are Democrats Receiving Laundered Drug and Human Trafficking Money from Cartels?

Why are the Democrats blocking border security?

What motives would they have to allow unfettered border crossing from illegal aliens drug cartels and human traffickers?

I am beginning to wonder out loud if the Democrat party is benefiting from laundered cartel money, and with good reason.

Continue reading Are Democrats Receiving Laundered Drug and Human Trafficking Money from Cartels?