Guns. What Gives You the Right?

What gives you the right to own and use guns? It’s not “what” gives you the right. Rather, it’s “who.”

Yep, it’s God

The answer is God.

Unless you’re some kind of pantheistic agnostic secularist, then the answer is nature. It’s an inalienable, natural right. And it is an individual right, meaning not limited to a “militia” as those who want to take away this right sometimes claim.

Don’t let the wannabe lawyers and amateur constitutional “experts” trick you. They say the constitution establishes the right to bear arms for only armed militias. But they are absolutely wrong. It’s both a collective right, and an individual right.

All the Documents Support an Inalienable, God-given, Individual Right

As Stephen P. Halbrook writes in That Every Man Be Armed: The Evolution of a Constitutional Right, if the men who drafted the Bill of Rights had intended to limit the right to bear arms to a militia only, and did not intend to guarantee the right for every individual to bear arms, it is the best kept secret in American history. Not a single document from the era supports that point of view. Nada. Not one. None.

In fact, individual ownership of arms for the purpose of self-defense was never questioned. In fact, Some people at the time did not want to enumerate God-given rights in a document. Committing rights to writing, they said, would allow governmental “artful misconstruction” to limit those rights. Amazing how they foresaw today’s governmental behavior.

The Founders relied on 2,000 years of intellectual thought coming from the greatest minds in Western culture such as Aristotle, Cicero, John Locke, Algernon Sidney, to name of few. And writings and traditions from English traditions dating from the Anglo Saxons before the Norman Conquest in 1066. Les Adams, in The Second Amendment Primer, A Citizen’s Guide to the History, Sources, and Authorities for the Constitutional Guarantee of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, describes how the Constitution and Bill of Rights were built upon the Founders’ study of other governments, hundreds of years of English common law, and English history. They established without a doubt the individual’s right to carry arms.

The Right to Bear Arms is an Absolute Right

You have the right to self defense, which includes the right to defend yourself and your community against tyranny or oppression. Some freedoms in the Bill of Rights are relative. The protections against “unreasonable” search and seizure in the Fourth Amendment, for example. But others are “absolute.” The first amendment states “Congress shall make no law…abridging the freedom of speech…” and the second amendment provides “”…the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”

Clearly you have a God-give natural right to defend yourself, your loved ones, your country. The bill of rights says this is inalienable, which means it’s a right that governments cannot legitimately grant nor take away.

Those who say otherwise are ignorant of the vast body of history and documents that led to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the 2nd Amendments.

They know nothing. They’re simply anti gun zealots.

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